Tag Archives: ginger lily

Daily Painting Challenge, 30 paintings in 30 days. Day 14

Red ginger lily, 6"x6", acrylic on board, © 2014 Donna Grandin
Red ginger lily, 6″x6″, acrylic on board, © 2014 Donna Grandin

I’d like to thank all of you who have been following me during this challenge and giving encouragement. It’s so cool when I hear from someone else who is excited to see what I’ll post next, a growing number of you are waiting for a piece that speaks to you … and I’m amazed at how fast some of the paintings have sold. In a situation like this, not every painting is going to be a home run, but when it is, you just know.

And those paintings have sold within 2 minutes of me posting on Facebook! I’ve been posting all different times though, depending on when I’m done, so if you don’t want to miss out on a painting you love, you can sign up to receive my blog posts by e-mail, that way you’ll be seeing it even before I post the link to Facebook.

The painting above, is on the same size gessoboard as Red Ixora, I was thinking of starting a small series. I’m out of that type & size board though – and I really prefer to work on canvas – I have to make time to go to the art supply store soon, to see what strikes my fancy. I had a really hard time packaging up Red Ixora & shipping it off to its new home in England … I’ve grown quite fond of it.  There are beautiful areas in the painting that I never could have planned, that’s the pay-off for painting the spontaneous way I do, letting the work evolve through layers of paint.

I’m spending more time on each painting than I’d thought I would, so I’ve had to let go of some of my regular chores & activities. I looked up from the easel today, past the pile of paperwork & art supplies that I’m growing on my desk, to my potted plants in front the window … and I’ve lost the poinsettia! It hasn’t had red leaves for the last 2 years, but now I’ve lost track of when last I’ve watered it, & what leaves it does have left are curling up & falling off! I don’t have a green thumb … unless you count green paint!

I really appreciate the feedback from those of you who are enjoying reading my thoughts.  If you have any questions, topics you’d like me to talk about, please comment on the post or e-mail & I’ll reply.

Daily Painting Challenge, 30 paintings in 30 days. Day 13

Red ginger lily study, 9"x8", pastels on watercolour paper, © 2014 Donna Grandin
Red ginger lily study, 9″x8″, pastels on watercolour paper, © 2014 Donna Grandin

This is a pastel study for the painting I’m going to work on today. I did it on watercolour paper, primed with clear gesso. It was prepared by Clarence Porter for the pastel class I took from him at the Art Gallery of Hamilton last Spring. One of the reasons I signed up for the class was that he provided a wide variety of materials for us to work with, so that we could find out what we liked best, before investing.

I already had a small collection of pastels from taking figure drawing classes at University, but usually we just sketched with them, using a couple of colours. I was interested in trying them out for painting plein air (outdoors), especially in the summer because although acrylics is my preferred medium, they dry up in the heat very fast. Clarence  went over some pastel basics, demonstrating a few techniques.  One thing that I learned is that when you’re doing a painting rather than just a sketch, it is important to start with your darkest darks, and then get progressively lighter. It also helps to work on a support (paper etc) that has a lot of tooth (deep dips) because as you blend in more colours the dips get filled up with pastel and you just can’t grind any more in without making a mess. .

The other thing that was so different to acrylics was I couldn’t just mix to get the colour I wanted. That was a bit frustrating and if I were regularly painting from life with pastels, I would want a much larger selection of colours to capture what I saw. On the flip side, that frustration actually highlights one of my biggest strengths as an artist – developed over more than 20 years of looking at the world through the eyes of an artist and creating artwork – my sense of colour.





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